CoRREau project


Resilience by Design and Security of Water Networks


Conducted through cyber and/or physical channels, water supply terrorism seeks to compromise the availability and quality of drinking water. This threat has direct consequences on the population and on the resilience of the city.

Today, with the digital revolution, the resilience of a water distribution network (WDN) is linked to the security of information systems (IS). Failure detection and any appropriate countermeasures depend not only on the design of the WDN, but also on the integrity of the IS, composed of the sensor network, the monitoring system, and their data.

The aim of the CoRREau project is to address these issues by proposing digital solutions for the hydraulic network.



11 March 2024

CNAM M2N Paris, France

12th month meeeting

Organized by the M2N lab at CNAM Paris.

27 September 2023

Eurométrope Strasbourg, France

6th month meeeting

Marc BARUTHIO, CUS manager for CoRREau, welcomed the ANR project partners CoRREau project and Jean-Marc WEBER expressed the importance of the project for the Strasbourg Eurometropolis.

27 March 2023

INRAE Bordeaux, Cestas, France

Kick-off meeting

The kick-off of the ANR CoRREau project took place in Bordeaux from 27 to 28 March 2023.